Smart meters
Most of the new water meters we will be installing will be Elster V210 water meters, which are not smart, as with many modern electricity and gas meters that collect and send usage data on a continuous basis.
However, the Elster meters are fitted with an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) function. This allows our water meter readers to collect the data needed without having to read the meter dial. They do this by using a handheld unit which receives a radio signal from the radio module on the water meter.
In time we will be looking to fit smart meters for our customers but not as part of this current metering programme. Smart meters will allow us to better understand the benefits of helping customers use water more wisely and helping us to provide a better service - for example, identifying leaks more easily and speedily. For more information, please see the Frequently asked questions section on the right of this page.
Remember, if you have any queries or concerns about your meter survey or installation, you can call us on tel. 01737 919485, or send us an email to
Your questions answered
If you have any questions about smart meters, please ask us here and we will respond as soon as we can.